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Writing Instructions for Christmas Craft Bundle

Writing Instructions for Christmas Craft Bundle

powerpoint with guidance on writing Instructions for Christmas Craft - paper chrstmas tree differentiated success criteria slips instructional writing checklist peer assessment slips links to youtube video in the ppt correct written out instructions for ease of marking
Anti-bullying Acrostic poem

Anti-bullying Acrostic poem

anti bullying acrostic poem worksheet based on the 2022 anti bullying week theme of ‘reaching out’ for help and support poem spells ‘reach out’ has a border which children can colour in
Writing Storyboards PowerPoint

Writing Storyboards PowerPoint

A short powerpoint on an introduction of how to write storyboards - learning and success criteria included can be used as part of literacy for language and writing skills children can create their own storyboard on a blank piece of A4 paper, or templates are readily available on google